Legal StuffThe dreaded Legelese…

Please also see our Disclaimer and Privacy Policy pages.
We hate legal stuff just as much as you probably do. However, it is a regrettable necessity these days. So, this page specifies the legal details regarding Trekopedia.

Our objective with Trekopedia is to give back to the community and to help others plan and undertake their own long-distance hikes and bicycle tours. With that in mind, unless specifically designated otherwise all of the content on the Trekopedia website, other than content credited to others and other than the website’s code, infrastructure, and design (for which all rights are reserved), is made available to everyone under a Creative Commons “BY-NC-ND 4.0” license. Click on the link below to find out more details about the license.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

While the license should be relied upon for the formal legal terms, conditions, and requirements, our interpretation and intent is to allow anyone to use most of the content of Trekopedia for their personal, non-commercial use. If you want to copy-and-paste details about a route section or hotel or community into your own collection of notes you intend to take along on your trek, go ahead. If you want to quote (with attribution) portions of the content of Trekopedia on your personal blog, that is fine too.

What is not permitted is to use any of the content of Trekopedia covered by the license in any commercial usage without our formal permission. Nor do we permit you to use our content on your own hiking or cycling-related reference site without our permission (though just ask – odds are, we’ll give you permission!).

Any content on Trekopedia that is attributed / credited to others (such as most photos) are the property of their creators, not Trekopedia. Therefore, you should obtain appropriate permissions from the copyright holder. Where permission / rights have been granted to Trekopedia by the copyright holder (i.e., where you do not need direct permission from the copyright holder), we will clearly note that for the item.

If you have any questions regarding permissions to use content from Trekopedia, feel free to contact us at

Lastly, our thanks go out to the great people at Creative Commons for creating and overseeing freely-available, high-quality licenses that make it much easier for ‘regular people’ to share content with the world while still protecting their creative rights. Lawyers doing good… who knew???