
Hamlet located on the plateau after the climb up Babadağ from Ovacık.



Water is available here and there’s usually a café open.


Just after the hamlet on the way to Kirme is a large rock field above which towers a shorn-off cliff face – the result of a major (and deadly!) earthquake in the 1950s. The exposed cliff face overlooking the rock field today is still ‘raw’ from the massive rockslide. It’s an oddly beautiful yet haunting site, especially if conditions are foggy!


It isn’t unusual to see horses wandering freely in the area of the village.


Pretty Pictures

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  • View from near Kozağaç
    View from near Kozağaç
    Photo by 
    The Trekopedia Team
  • Cliff Face of Father Mountain in the Clouds (shorn cliff by Kozağaç).
    Cliff face of Babadağ (‘Father Mountain’), enveloped in wispy clouds, near Kozağaç
    Photo by 
    The Trekopedia Team

How You Can Help

Trail research is never actually done. Here’s some of what we’re looking for (in addition to the general requests for help listed in this article):
More photos! We’re always looking for more photos to add to our internal research database as well as for use here on Trekopedia. If you are willing to share your collection with us, we’d be incredibly grateful. Let us know and we’ll arrange a transfer.
Details on accommodation options, especially places where you’ve stayed.
Details on restaurants, markets, and other amenities.
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Help improve the geo-location of any points-of-interest.
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